An abundance of comments on Facebook post shows exactly how much its audience is involved in what the content creator is doing and how much they actually appreciate it. Yes, likes and reposts are great, but commentaries (even negative ones) are bringing something special to the page, they make it feel like a real place where people can share opinions.
For Facebook promotion it is crucially important to instantly gain commentaries for what you have posted, otherwise people might count it as something that is not worth their time and attention.
And this is why ono Soclikes we offer our customers to get immediate “fake” comments with instant delivery, which are going to be written by our implementers, who are real people using FB every day.
Buy custom Facebook comments
Yes, we do deliver custom comments – all of the notes under posts that you are going to get will be written by actual living people who know how to spell and how to show emotions and share opinions.
We don’t operate by using bots and fakes, we understand what threat it might show to our clients page’s stats and their reputation.
So all of the comments that you will get from us will bring you only benefits, no shame and no need to delete the comments later.
Buy Facebook comments cheap
Our bundles are filled with truly cheap Facebook comments. For example, the smallest one is going to cost you only $2,99, but with that you will get yourself 10 brilliantly written commentaries strictly on topic and based on your wishes.
All of the other packs are on discount and give you a chance of saving from 20% to 74% off the original price, which in turn gives you a nice possibility to take on some other promotional packs for your FB promotion. Yes, it is better when performed complexly, so make sure to check out other options that we have available in our FB section.
Buy Facebook comments USA
USA comments are a quite demanded service actually, and although we don’t have it put forward like our common packs, we can ship them easily if our customers need it.
Contact our managers and ask about US commentaries only, and the shipping will start as soon as you pay for the order, organized by our managers.
Buy Facebook comments in United Kingdom
Targeted support from the UK is possible, but for that you’d need to undergo one small consultation with our managers.
They will tell you which bundle of commentaries it is going to be best for you to buy and will organize the delivery asap based on your additional wishes.
Buy real Facebook comments
Notes under posts would be written adequately, otherwise it simply disrupts the reputation that a content creator has been trying to build and maintain.
Soclikes ships only real commentaries that are going to be written by actual living people who are able to put words into sentences and make it sound like something related to the topic – no oafish nonsense from bots or fakes, don’t worry about that.
Buy Facebook comments India
If you need targeted support, our managers can provide – hit them in chat or via email and ask for the specific bundle of comments shipped to your page. They will organize the delivery asap and might even give you a special discount for that, so don’t hesitate and don’t postpone your promotion!